Sunday, June 20, 2010

Comments and feed back...

Group 1 (feedback):

Good things...

-clear aim and message

-good strategy

-good use of sound to create a narrative

-good conventions

what can be improved? ....

-how effectively you target your audience

Group 2 (feedback):

Good things...

-clear aim and message
-good strategy

-good use of narrative

-good conventions

(overall comment /optional/ good idea, hope it works out good)

What can be improved?...

-how effectively you target your audience

Group 3 (feedback):

good things...

-clear aim and message

-good strategy

-create use of sound to create a narrative

-effectively targeting your audience

-good use of conventions

overall comment /optional:
-good narrative

Group 4 (feedback):

good things:

-clear aim and message

-good strategy

-good use of sound to create a narrative

what can be improved?...

-how effectively your targeting your audience

-conventions used

overall comment /optional
-it was good but it was short

Group 5 (feedback):

good things:

-clear aim and message

-good strategy

-good use of sound to create a narrative

-effectively targeting your audience

-conventions used

overall comment /optional

Group 6 (feedback):

good things:

-clear aim and message

-good strategy

-creative use of sound to create a narrative

-effectively targeting audience

-good use of conventions

overall comment /optional

Conclusion:(Group Discussion)

Due to our feedback our group came to the conclusion that we need to improve how effectively we are using different strategies to capture the attention of our target audience.

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