Sunday, November 8, 2009

Homework-Creative&Media Diploma ( Media Advertising case study: Trident)

This video clip shows what the campaign means by the whole idea of how blood spreads from hand to hand.

1. Who is the audience being targeting and how do you know ?
- Its mainly targeting male teenagers as the picture of the thumb has a boys face on it.
2.List the different advertising media the trident campaign uses :
- Radio adverts, televison adverts and posters.
3.What is the message of this campaign and what strategies have they used to get this across?
-"If you know about a gun tell, or you will be as equally responsible" They used a red(blood) fingerprint to describe someone's held the gun and got blood on their fingers, they also add the caption "don't get blood on your hands".
4.Which do you think is the most effect medium ? why ?
-The main image, i think has the most effect, because of the red colour to represent blood and someone's face printed on their shows guilt.
5. What is used to integrate all the adverts this adevrting campaign ?
- The slogan "Don't get blood on your hands"(also caption) and the action line "stop the".
6.Do you think this campaign is relevant an effective for the target audience? How ?
- Yes, the main image, caption, slogan and action line all link together and the mode of address is quite powerfull as it directs the language straight to the audience.

What I would do to improve this campaign? (make it better)
To improve this campaign I would make the storyline more realistic and add in how the first person got the blood on their hands, as I watched the advert it didn't quite appeal to me as it looked unrealistic and for that reason my attention wasn't completly focused on the advert.

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