Friday, April 23, 2010

Log entry of the Trip ...

We went to speaker's corner in Hyde park on Friday 26th March 2010. The purpose of this trip was to promote our campaigns and get more experience on how to go out campaigning. Before we could go on the trip we spent a couple of weeks preparing to go on it , we had to design leaflets which I did, we had to come up with a badge design and t-shirt design. On the trip as a group we thought it was best to split up and go separate ways so we could spread our message wider. Our feedback from most people seemed caring and attentive whilst others would walk past and just ignore us, this helped us to understand how difficult campaigning actually is. Our trip wasn't very successful in meeting our target audience, 12-25,as self harming occurs more in young people rather then old due to the pressure of growing up, there were more oldr people out at lunch time so this made it difficult to meet our target audience. Evaluating this day i could say that next time we could talk to people alot more rather than just hand them a badge and leaflet and just let them walk on. Perhaps next time we could be able to have more leaflets and badges to give out to more people and go to a different place were we know we can meet our target audience.
Ana, Paulo & Faye.

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